

“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2)

GBI is offering free theological training to ministers coming from different evangelical denominations. GBI exists to train and prepare faithful Christian leaders, preachers and teachers for the Church of Jesus Christ.

GBI strives to achieve this by equipping them with sound biblical and theological instructions, training the heart to develop biblical virtues, and providing vital skills needed for effective preaching and teaching of God’s Word and biblical leadership of the Church.


1. To promote the worship of the living and true God in spirit and in truth;

2. To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of men and women;

3. To teach God’s Word for edification of Christians and to equip them for Christian service;

4. To defend of the “faith which was once delivered unto the saints”;

5. To establish and support Christian missions and institutions for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom on earth;

6. To encourage members to serve and support one another and to do Christian relief works towards the poor and the needy;

7. To strengthen mutual Christian fellowship, encouragement and unity among fundamental and Bible-believing churches of similar stand “for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (cf. Rev 1:9).

Childern’s Ministry

1. To bring children into a living and loving relationship with God their Creator and Saviour;

2. To help children grow healthily in their physical, mental and spiritual life;

3. To train children to develop good behavior and to shun evil things;

4. To teach children how to read and write independently;

5. To train and encourage children to become good examples to their friends in speech, action and attitude;



GBI Ethiopia is affiliated to GBI-International which is the ministry Gethsemane B-P Church, Singapore.

As the ministry of the church, GBI offers free tuition, class notes and free dormitory because of what Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 10:8. The institute is established in Ethiopia to train born-again believers who have God’s call to the full-time Gospel ministry and yet may not have financial ability.

  • A born-again Christian who is active member of an Evangelical Church.
  • A called Christian who can confirm his calling into the fall-time Christian ministry.
  • A mature Christian who is committed to biblical principles of discipleship.
  • A godly Christian who can bring his church’s recommendation about his worthy walkin Christ
  • A Christian who has completed High School education.

GBI full-time study takes two years and 3 months of study.

GBI part-time study (alternate Saturdays) takes about four years.